On Sunday 8 of October 2024 Galleria Spada opens for free – 8.30 am – 7.30 pm (last ticket 7 pm – last entrance to the Perspective Garden 6.30 pm; no reservations, no guided tours, no groups).
On Thursday 15 August 2024, the Gallery will be open.
Open Monday-Sunday (closed on Tuesdays).
Hours: 8.30 a.m. – 7.30 p.m. (last ticket 7 p.m.)
The reservation is not mandatory for single visitors. Reservation mandatory for Groups (max 20 persons with guide only Mondays to Fridays, no Saturdays and Sundays). Mail to palazzospada@gebart.it or call +39 06 68 32 409 for any information.
The last access to the Secret Garden with the Colonnade by Francesco Borromini is at 6.30 pm. For conservative reasons, it is not possible to access the interior of the Colonnade.
Free First Sunday of the month: no reservation, no groups and guided tours.
Prepaid tickets for single visitors and groups on: https://www.gebart.it/musei/galleria-spada/ or calling +39 06 32810 (from Mondays to Fridays 9.30 a.m.-6 p.m). Groups not allowed during the weekend.
Monday, Wednesday to Sunday : 8.30 a.m. – 7.30 p.m. (the Ticket Office closes at 7 p.m.)
Closed on Tuesday, 1 January, 25 December.
tel. +39.06.6832409 email: palazzospada@gebart.it
Euro 6,00 standard tickets
Euro 2,00 reduced-rate tickets
Reservation is required:
- for groups of 8 participants (7 participants and guide)
- for school groups
(with a Euro 1 booking fee per participant)
+39 06 32810
Guided tours (reservations required) in English and French.
Guided tours to the the State Council decorated rooms: 1st Saturday of the month, reservation compulsory +39 06 6832409.
- Visitors under 18
- Groups of EU school students, accompanied by teachers (reservation compulsory)
- EU Teachers and Students Art History, Archeology, Cultural Heritage preservation, Architecture, Fine Art Academies, High School and art history teachers.
- Students from I.S.C.R., O.P.D., Scuola per il restauro del Mosaico.
- EU Citiziens with disabilities, with helper
- EU licensed tourists guides and interpreters
- EU journalists
- I.C.O.M. Members
REDUCED-RATE ADMISSION - EU Citiziens between 18 and 25 years
(*Valid documentary evidence is required)